…At The Grindstones

{October 20, 2010}   Where Did Yesterday Go…

Wow, and here I thought I was going to be able to post an amazing large post yesterday instead of just the cute fuzzy budgie. What is new with me, so much. I am gearing up for another trip that has several parts to it which should be amazing. I’m looking forward to going to several tea stores, one of which being Kusmi tea,  which I discovered last winter there (though the store had TERRIBLE service) but I came away with a Buffalo Grass Green Tea which tastes amazing, like sweetgrass of course, perfect for curling up with a good book as the days get a little colder up here. They have a lot of blends that are “Russian”, in other words, dark dark teas with lemon or bergamot flavors or that have been smoked. I appreciate blends like that but I do not crave them by any means. Smoky Tarry or Lapsang Souchong is not meant for an every day drinking tea in my mind.  I’m hoping to try:

-Russian Morning (blended black)

-Green Tea with Mint and Seaweeds

-Genmaicha (I’d love to see what theirs is like) or Hojicha

-Irish Blend

As the winter approaches here you can look forward to many many tea review videos since I’ll be drinking more. I just ran out of a favorite of mine actually from Teavana called Six Summits Ooolong which is a nice  light oolong mixed with dried whole raspberries, it’s honestly so amazing hot or iced, I can’t wait to get my hands on it again when I get back to the United States:


I mean look at that- how fresh and amazing does that look? You can check out more of their teas HERE.

Meanwhile I am still suffering through The Healing Wisdom of Africa by M.P. Some. I had already read his other book Of Water and the Spirit and it was beautiful and inspiring, but this has stirred up a lot of frustration and even anger to the point that I keep putting it down. I’ll have a lot to say on it very soon. I really don’t agree with some of the things he suggests.

I also spent some time watching a sunday afternoon movie or two gluing a lot of souvenirs from my last big trip into cheap dollar store scrapbooks- it was nice to look over a lot of the things I had done that I didn’t forget about and finally catch up with all the people whose business cards I exchanged for..

Oh the next book I’ll be reading will be Lost on Planet China as I work through that German Language workbook I mentioned in my White Point videos. Ha, I have this all planned out. Once the German is completed I’ll be working through some Chinese and Western Herbs, reviewing them and discussing different traditions. I have a full fall planned, but I’m really looking forward to the dark time of the year for study and expanding .

What else.. cleaning out my closet significantly and I have such a pile of stuff ready for a new home, but not enough time to post anywhere online for it so that’s been frustrating..

My next steps have been to find blog/ research sponsors and I have 5 or 6 projects on the go, I feel like I really need a secretary. I actually interviewed for one yesterday and the whole idea of it was so weird to me but we’ll see how that works out.

I think that’s it for today, hoping to post many many photo and video blogs over the next week as I am away on this work and play trip..



et cetera